
Fong Lun Association

730 N Hill Place, Los Angeles, CA 90012

(213) 625-8487



回溯於1938年以前,移民羅省及篤市納埠兩地定居之昆仲有一百餘人,彼此難以聯繫。宗親們渴望能有個聯絡點,經眾議,便由司徒宏燦、司徒文添、司徒卓銳、司徒樹榮(儉俊)、司徒炳華、司徒好(俊祺)、司徒尚柱等組織晨曦別墅於奧街,作為聯絡宗親之基地,即今鳳倫公所之前身。 到1945年第二次世界大戰結束,華裔退 伍軍人回鄉攜眷來美者眾,在羅省族人驟 增,晨曦別墅地方不敷應用,族人便推舉司 徒宏燦為召集人,司徒尚帗為書記,司徒樹 榮、司徒好、司徒懿宗、司徒俊惠為財政, 及司徒春光等發動向族人募捐,購置鳳倫公 所永久會址,此時,得司徒懿歡夫人領先響 應,族人紛紛慷慨解囊購下座落於730 N Hill Palce舊木樓兩層,於1947年鳳倫公所向政 府正式申請註冊及宣告正式成立,並參加中 華會館為團體會員。然而,其發展並不是一 帆風順的。於1964年,司徒佳明任主席,司 徒日榮任財政期間,公所之舊樓,被政府列 為即須拆除的危樓,是時,公所財政正處於 艱難之中,無奈便遷到新式街租賃地方作為 臨時辦公之所。可是籌建新樓及拆除舊摟費用估計需款七萬餘元。在當時,該筆款不是 一個小數目。幸得司徒佳明、司徒樹榮、司 徒好、司徒懿歡夫人各捐款一千元,司徒春 光、司徒研理、司徒銘超、司徒德俊各認借 一千元,到新樓落成後,這四位昆仲將借款 全部捐給公所。
至於不敷之數,則規定每位昆仲最少額 捐五十元。對認捐五十元者,按照當時利息 分期清還,此一決議,捐款一千元以下者許 多,恕不能盡錄,但仍不敷七萬餘元:於 是,當任主席司徒佳明自費前往紐約、波士 頓、華盛頓、三藩市等埠募捐,得善款三千 多元,其他不敷之資,則向國泰銀行借貸, 於1966年,新樓落成,公所便由新式街搬遷 回現址辦公,對所欠銀行之借款,直到1985 年才將本息全部還清。至於欠昆仲之借款, 由當年負責還款小組的司徒俊清、司徒競文 向債權人徵詢意見,可否將所餘之欠款尾數 捐給公所(共約二千餘元)。結果,除了將 款一千餘元還給二人外,其他昆仲將欠款尾 數捐給公所,作慈善部之用。現在矗立於現 址的一座頗為壯觀的兩層樓房,已全無負 債,永為薛、司徒氏宗親之樓業。目前,定 居在羅省的昆仲約有三千餘人。


為了更好的服務宗親和加強宗親的凝聚 力,在遷入新樓的同時,相繼成立了婦女部 和青年部藉以充分調動婦女們和青年們的積 極因素。孩子是未來的希望,為了鼓勵青少 年學子,使其協行有成,便於1967年成立獎 學基金會,至今已52年,一直鼓勵鳳倫子 弟努力向學,作育英才,多年來鳳倫子弟 傑出群倫,成績斐然,成本公所同人之驕 傲。1993年在宗親潮健帶領下籌備及成立世 界鳳倫聯誼會並向政府註冊,會員包括世界 各地15個司徒族人,公所聯誼慶典,每三年 一次,各公所輪流舉辦與互通家鄉資訊,聯 絡感情,交換心得為宗旨。第二及第九屆在 羅省公所舉行。2015年,世界鳳倫聯誼會在 羅省召開,為迎接這一次盛會,本公所進行 全面裝修。在時任主席司徒錦鴻和現任主席 司徒展環及全體公所成員出錢出力,把公所 內外粉飾煥然一新,並且今次聯誼會進行十 分成功。過去凡是鳳倫公所一切業務均用中 文溝通往來,為了方便和吸引年青的一代。 在2001年起,從前任主席司徒元新開始,所 有公所事務均用中英文交流,為當時華人團 體首創先河。
由此可見,鳳倫公所的成長過程是一個 艱苦奮鬥的過程。在熱心人士、宗親們及各 方面的關懷和支持下,它從誕生之日起,幾 十年來,堅持精誠團結,群策群力,民主管 理的原則,定期選舉領導機構人員。由於歷 屆當選主席和職員都能以義工身份服務鄉親 為榮,發揚「鳳倫」任勞任怨精神,盡忠職 守,同宗親們一起做好工作,因而所務蒸蒸 日上,欣欣向榮,及時開展有益的活動,對 團結宗親、服務鄉親、敦宗睦族、愛國愛鄉 等方面起到應有的作用。


隨著時間的推移,人事的變化。當前重 要的是培養接班人,鳳倫公所在這方面早就 注意物色培養。前任主席司徒元新,是移民 的第二代,副主席司徒錦鴻是司徒尚柱之孫,是移民的第三代,他們秉承鳳倫公所的 宗旨,繼續為鄉親服務。時代巨輪的轉變, 人口不斷老化,司徒宗親也不例外。鳳倫公 所過去多年一直為承傳鳳倫文化的使命,培 育年輕一代而推出多種活動,例如獎學金, 作文比賽,野餐,學習包粽,宗親演講,世 界鳳倫公所交流資訊,以及回鄉尋根團圓等 節目,望能吸引更多年輕一輩對家中歷史有 所認識及承傳,為世界鳳倫宗親們的未來鋪 路。2017年本公所有14人出席星加坡第十屆 世界聯誼會,隨後全體人員回鄉探親,參觀 祖先遺留給我們的建築文化,歷代英雄事 蹟,見證司徒族人數百年來對社會作出的貢 獻。

In the late 1930’s, Los Angeles and Oxnard was home to several hundred immigrants with the surname Sit and Soo Hoo/Seto. Recognizing a need to have a centralized point of connection for their clansmen, an ad hoc committee of Sit and Soo Hoo/Seto men came together in 1938 to explore how they could create such a nexus. As they began meeting on Ord Street in Old Chinatown, at a location called Morning Sunshine, the Fong Lun Association was formed. The Association became a vital place where clansmen could fnd social and physical support, maintain their cultural practices, and share news with one another about their families and the homeland. During World War II, many young men from the Sit and Soo Hoo/Seto clans served in the U.S. Armed Forces, fighting in Europe as well as in the Pacific and China. Following the war, with the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1943 and the enactment of the Chinese War Brides Act in 1946, Chinese American G.I.s were able to return to China to marry and bring back wives to the The United States. For the Sit and Soo Hoo/Seto clans, dozens of young war brides arrived between 1946 and 1949 to start new lives and families with their husbands.
As a natural result, membership in the Fong Lun Association grew at such a rapid rate that it's building no longer accommodated all of its functions. In the anticipation of greater growth, in 1952, the leaders of Fong Lun registered with the State of California as a mutual benefit Association. It also applied for membership to the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association as a Charter Member. With its new status, the leaders were able to fundraise for the purchase of a new building which was eventually acquired at 730 N. Hill Place where the Fong Lun Temple Association continues to operate today.
The expansion of the Association was not always smooth. In 1964, the City of Los Angeles condemned the building as uninhabitable; it would have to be demolished and rebuilt. This created a financial crisis as the Association did not have sufficient funds to rebuild immediately. As an interim step, the leadership rented a small unit on Sunset Blvd. as a temporary office and created a plan to fundraise for the building. Fong Lun members traveled across the U.S. and Canada where large populations of Sit and Soo Hoo/Seto families resided to request their help. They successfully raised enough funds from these communities for a down payment and borrowed the remaining balance from Cathy Bank in Chinatown to begin construction. The new building was completed in 1966. Nineteen years later, in 1985, the bank loan was paid off. Additionally, many of the loans owed to Fong Lun’s members were forgiven by these members as their donation to the Association.
Since the Association’s inception, many obstacles were overcome through hard work and the leadership of Fun Lun’s officers and the generous support of clan members. With the passage of time, founding members have passed on and new leadership and new ideas have emerged to meet the changing interests and needs of its community. A Scholarship Fund was created in 1967 to recognize outstanding students in the Association and to motivate Sit and Soo Hoo/Seto children to continue to achieve in school. In the 1980s, the Women’s Auxiliary and Youth Council were established. The Scholarship Fund, in particular, represents Fong Lun’s investment in promoting the Confucian value of education and continues the Association’s legacy of benevolence. In the late 80’s, during an anniversary celebration of the San Francisco Fong Lun chapter, members planted the seed for establishing the World Fong Lun Association, which led to the 2 nd World Fong Lun Association Convention held in Los Angeles in 1993, and it’s incorporation in 1994 headquartered in Los Angeles.
In 2015, the 9th World Fong Lun Congress was held in Los Angeles. In anticipation of welcoming guests from around the world, the leadership raised donations and procured the labor to give the Association building a much-needed facelift. With the hard work and planning of committee members, the world conference was a success as many members of the Sit and Soo Hoo/Seto clans from around the world shared their ideas and thoughts as to how to lay the foundation for the next generations to follow.
In 2017, fourteen of Fong Lun’s members traveled to Singapore for the 10th World Fong Lun Congress. This was followed with a visit to the respective ancestral villages in Hoi Ping to see the the unique culture of Chek Hom, the mix of European and Chinese style architecture, and to witness the stories of our ancestors and their bravery and devotion to the welfare of the Sit and Soo Hoo/Seto clans throughout history.
Looking ahead, it is hoped that programs for the Sit and Soo Hoo/Seto families, such as the Scholarship Awards, an Essay Contest, Bi-lingual meetings, Chinese tamale/Joong making workshops, the Annual Spring Banquet and Picnic, Achievement & Merit Awards, Oral History Lectures, Home Village/Travel tours to China, and the Fong Lun’s global connections will continue to help the Los Angeles Fong Lun Temple Benevolent Association thrive and draw in new generations of members.

羅省鳳倫公所 (即薛及司徒二姓) 主席: 司徒展環 | 副主席: 司徒錦鴻

年份 會長
1952-1953 司徒宏燦
1954-1955 司徒春光
1956-1958 司徒宏燦
1960-1961 司徒仲常
1962-1963 司徒儉俊
1964-1966 司徒住明
1967-1968 司徒宏燦
1969-1970 司徒俊祺
1971-1972 司徒鉅源
1973 司徒俊祺
1974-1976 司徒鉅源
1976-1977 司徒優振
1978 司徒競文
1979-1980 司徒潮健
1981 司徒培滋
1982-1983 司徒一鳴
1984-1985 司徒炳洽
1986 司徒尚鷹
1987-1988 司徒達秀
1989-1990 司徒宗傑
1991-1992 司徒寶衡
1993-1995 司徒武超
1996-1998 司徒焯
1999-2000 司徒寶衡
年份 會長
2001-2004 司徒潮健
2005-2006 司徒焯
2007-2010 司徒元新
2011-2015 司徒錦鴻
2016-2017 司徒元新
2018-2019 司徒展環
2020 司徒展環
2021 司徒展環
2022 司徒展環
