Page 14 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 14


          店,從事農業耕種及擺攤販售農產品。當                               Chinese people did not haggle  over em-
          時的中國還是「清朝」,所以海外華人                                ployment wages or types of jobs acquired,
          普遍仍留著辮子。後來,華人活動的中                                thus replacing Caucasians. As a result, the
          心擴展到  Marches  Sault  街、Alameda                  levels of antagonism began to rise, and the
          街、Apablasa街一帶,遂成為所謂的「原                           Chinese Exclusion Act was created.
          Back in 1781, the city of Los Angeles was        1871年四月,原始華埠發生血腥大屠殺。
          established. People from different races         這場被全國報章均指責洛杉磯為「血腥的
          grew up together peacefully. The first re-       伊甸園」的暴動,導因於二個堂口械鬥。
          cord of the first two Chinese immigrants         根據文獻記載,10月24日晚上,兩個堂口
          was made in 1850, and the first female           的成員因爭執而發生火拼,導致一名白人
          Chinese immigrant that arrived in Los An-        被殺及多人受傷。事件發生後數小時,五
          geles was on Oct 22, 1859. Later, Chinese        百名暴徒圍攻當地華人,殘暴地殺死十九
          businessman Chug Chick founded the first         名男性成人及孩童。由於法律上的缺陷,
          store located on Spring Street. At that time,    七名被檢控的男性均無罪釋放,華人無法
          the recorded Chinese immigrants increased        得到法律保障。
          to 21, which consisted of 13 males and 8         族裔間的仇恨情結高漲,許多州都有關於
          females. They were working as servants or        排華的法令;到了1882年,聯邦政府通過
          as cleaners. A few years later, more immi-       全國性的《排華法案》(Chinese Exclu-
          grants came to America and worked on the         sion Act),禁止華裔移民進入美國,也
          railroad.                                        不准在美華人歸化成為公民。沒有法律保
          In the beginning, they lived around today’s      障,被不平等對待的華人只能窩居在窄小
          Los Angeles Street. The living conditions        的華埠,自求多福。
          were very terrible for them; 200 Chinese
          immigrants were living in poverty and sur-
          rounded by the homeless of all races. Later,
          they fanned out to areas around Marches
          Sault Street, Alameda Street and Apablasa
          Street, which became the original China-

          The Transcontinental Railroad was com-
          pleted in 1870, establishing a transconti-
          nental transportation network that revolu-
          tionized the population and economy of the       十九世紀末,一支應邀參加西裔宗教節日遊行的華埠舞龍隊伍,在洛杉磯
          American West, but resulted in many peo-         A Chinatown Lion Dance troupe participating in a Hispanic religious celebration
          ple becoming unemployed. To survive, the         catches the attention of onlookers in Los Angeles.

                                                     羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA  |  15
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