Page 11 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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125        Anniversary

                th  週年

                   根據美國2010年全美人口普查的資料顯                              南京建立太平天國,隨後又有清朝剿滅太
                   示,當前在美華人的移民人口中,如果以                               平天國,廣東、廣西等地更是兵荒馬亂,
                   單一,以及與其他族裔的混合,超過三百                               民不聊生;許多人被迫往外地謀生。
                   三十三萬人。                                           According to The United States Immigra-
                   According to the 2010 United States Cen-         tion records, Chinese immigrants began to
                   sus  data,  the  Chinese  population  alone,     stream into the United States in 1820. The
                   as in not including respondents identify-        majority of the immigrants arrived in 1850,
                   ing as any other detailed Asian group, was       and  it  wasn’t  until  1853  that  the  United
                   3,347,229.                                       States government adopted more stringent
                                                                    immigration  laws.  There  were  many  rea-
                   許多大城市都有華埠(中國城),以及中                               sons why the Chinese immigrated, rang-
                   華會館的設立。現今隨著中國大陸移民的                               ing from attractions and explorations of
                   增加,越來越多的地區也都有華人團體。                               the West to pursuing a better life. The main
                   此外,根據2003年到2006年各國政府的統                           reason, however, was to escape from the
                   計數字,全球五大洲的華人人口數將近五                               endless chaos caused by civil war back in
                   千萬人,可謂是有水源的地方就有華人。                               Mainland China.
                   Most of the important cities have estab-
                   lished Chinatowns and Chinese Consoli-           廣東省鄰近香港,很早就呼吸到海外的氣
                   dated Benevolent Associations (CCBAs).           息,成為最早移民到美國的華人。這其
                   Along with the increase in immigrants,           中又以廣東四邑(台山、開平、恩平及新
                   more and more Chinese groups have been           會)為最多數。他們群居於華埠,以家鄉
                   founded in more areas. According to the          的方言交談,其中以台山話最為普及,並
                   research that has been accomplished dur-         泛稱為「唐話」。
                   ing 2003 and 2006, Chinese immigrations          Because Guangdong Province is near
                   have spread all over the world. The number       Hong Kong, news from abroad was easily
                   of overseas Chinese immigrants has surged        gathered. Consequently, residents of this
                   to 50,000,000.                                   province, especially  from  the  counties  of
                                                                    Taishan, Kaiping, Enping and Xinhiu, were
                   羅省中華會館的始創                                        the earliest people to leave for the United
                   Origination                                      States. Upon arrival in the United States,
                                                                    they lived close to each other, forming a
                   根據有關美國華人移民發展史略的記載,                               compact community - Chinatown - and

                   12  |  羅省中華會館歷史沿革 Development History
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