
Bow On Family Association of Los Angeles

1010 S. San Pedro St. Los Angeles, CA 90015

 (213) 749-8864


當年的重建造價五萬八千多美元,殊非小數目,經過研究,決定採用義務、信用兩種貸款辦法向全美各埠岡州梓里集資,所謂義務貸款是將保安堂百子會所有股本轉為無息貸款,信用貸款是照銀行付息辦法貸款,還息時先還信用貸款,後還義務貸款,兩種貸款辦法提出來以後,得到全美岡州梓里鄉親的贊同與大力支持,慷慨解囊相助,解決了大樓重建所需資金;後來將義務貸款與信用貸款合二為一於百子會,才促成今日美輪美奐之堂所。 一九六八年保安堂新大樓奠基,當時本堂共有一百一十三名堂員,他們的姓名詳列如 下: 

梁瑯、鍾浩、蔡勝昌、呂添統、關如壽、趙肇邦、呂天保、林登、呂喜、黃宏、廖宏堯、呂傳揖、劉任、黃鍚林、譚龍、林樹宏、呂勝潤、楊國光、葉盈、呂瑞、李洛、曾北洪、曾洪、鍾芬、林大、葉游、呂壽佐、曾朋、鍾宜用、鍾好、呂纘、廖番綑、劉須武、李龍保、林灼梅、湯光煉、簡仕存、簡仕嚴、呂勝禮、劉北玩、呂永祥、余 幅、呂瑞濱、陳灼棠、劉北瑯、呂郁、黃榮、黃攜、呂兆祺、呂社炳、林日初、羅炎、廖崇潮、呂宗、劉肇基、曾劍豪、勞彬、鍾池、陳纘盈、李槐、陳號興、曾昌、崔廉、黃洪盛、黃才意、呂登、呂積、趙宇行、梁盛、范聯、呂共、廖永彭、李啟明、李叔明、譚煦、黃華星、朱其穩、呂植、林時忠、黃金祿、何賀、譚榮、鍾蘇、薛維、 湯北沃、盧厚真、廖寶森、梁毛、譚勝、潘少佳、李瑞榮、呂華球、鍾高原、鍾華勝、譚權、榮茂、鍾活泉、鍾國材、呂緒健、簡仕儔、趙鴻芳、高國英、呂勝有、呂賢、呂幅祥、葉培根、呂社諒、呂家隆、林啟榮、呂傳釗、黃冠庭、呂悅雲、吳端。當年一百多位堂員之中,絕大部份均已作古,如今碩果僅存的只有呂勝禮元老。撫今追昔,我們能不慨嘆人生真如白馬過隙的短暫?但無論如何,我們應當感謝先賢高瞻遠矚,為本堂奠定良好的基業,造福後來之堂友邑僑。

經過約大半年時間,按照設計要求,一座宏偉美觀,樓上設有會議廳、辦公室、睡房、廚房、男女衛生間的堂址,樓下出租商用的大樓建成,於一九六九年五月二十二日舉行落成開幕典禮。兩年後,保安堂將自置柏文出售得款還清全部貸款,為羅省岡州安堂打下良好的經濟基礎,能為梓里鄉親舉 辦福利創造優裕條件。


由於時代久遠,本堂部份歷史資料未能好好保存下來,個別先賢主席之名字或任期已經無從稽查。尚有紀錄之歷任主席芳名如下:呂緯明、呂明洲、呂統澗、鍾龍圖、呂藻、呂緒湛、梁禎、趙肇邦、呂天保、李洛、林旺、林登、李活培、葉盈、葉游、廖宏堯。鍾國材( 1972)、呂傳揖( 1973-1975)、高安邦( 1976)、黃照護( 1977-1979)、黃冠庭( 1980-1984)、梁景峰( 1985-1990) 

Immigration has been a part of this country for over 200 years and Chinese citizens dreamed of the saying, “ Go East Young Man, a new life awaits you in America”.

And we came. 1849 was the year Chinese immigration began with the California gold rush. Men came to mine the hillsides of eastern Sacramento only to and little reward for their work. During this time Chinese were restricted to areas around San Francisco and Sacramento. They needed help to learn the language, laws, and customs of their home away from home.

Kong Chow Bow On Association established in 1905, it was created to help the problem and a member of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association- CCBA. Kong Chow provided a place for these immigrants to assemble to keep in touch with family in China and their own business interests. To protect their interests Bow On was created to be their “muscle and protector” of business activities and it’s members.

In 1968 Los Angeles Kong Chow Bow On Association was created to serve the greater Los Angeles Chinese community to promote the culture and history of China. The Association is located at 1010 S. San Pedro St across from the old City Market. The property was sold to Bow On Family Association Property Corp. in 1971.

2018 was the 50th anniversary of the Los Angeles Kong Chow Bow On Family Association and the Bow On Family Association Corp. serving the community. We are a unique people with language, writing, art, music, and way of life found nowhere else. The Association was the first step for our families to become citizens and educated in universities. We have become Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, business owners, civic leaders, and government officials. And let us never forget the brave men and women who served in the United States Military to save the world.

A new generation of Chinese Americans are upon us with dreams and ideas so different than ours but with the same goals- love for family, education, and citizenship. Let us not forget the hardships of those before- racism, prejudice, Chinese Exclusion Act and Chinese Immigration Act- for us to live the incredible lives we have.

Let us all be a part of something bigger than ourselves and take care of what our past generations started.

羅省岡州保安堂現任 (即新會及鶴山人士) 主席: 劉國賜 | 副主席: 潘杏萍

年份 會長 副會長
1991~99 呂勝禮 呂新迪
2000~03 劉健民 呂新迪
2004~05 黃鍾艷珍 趙錦棠
2006~07 趙錦棠 呂新迪
2008 趙錦棠 鄧慕博
2009 趙錦棠 劉健峰
2010~12 劉健峰 廖美華
2013~15 廖美華 胡卓球
2016 黃鍾艷珍 胡卓球
2017 黃鍾艷珍 胡卓球
2018 廖美華 潘杏萍
2019 劉國賜 潘杏萍
2020 劉國賜 潘杏萍
2021 劉國賜
2022 劉國賜 潘杏萍
