
Chinese American Citizens Alliance

415 Bamboo Lane, Los Angeles, CA 90012

 (213) 628-8015


羅省同源會自一九一二年五月十五日成立 以來,積極保護社區福祉,努力保障華裔公 民人權,排斥種族歧視,反對反移民運動, 爭取平等待遇,鼓勵投票參政,服務社區, 不遺餘力。同源會更致力培養青年才俊,提 供大學獎學金,組織青年會及辯論團隊,領 導培訓,並贊助全美學生藝術、論文和演講 比賽等活動。
Since its establishment on May 15, 1912, the Chinese American Citizens Alliance Los Angeles Lodge has been advancing the welfare of the community and to advocating Chinese American civil rights by fighting racial discrimination, opposing anti-immigrant movements, promoting American citizenship and expanding voting rights. The organization plans for our future by developing talented youth by offering college scholarships and leadership training; organizing youth councils and a mock trial foundation team; and sponsoring national art, national essay, and oratorical speech contests.

1895年,美洲同源總會開始以《黃金州之 子》在舊金山立案,為美國第一個華裔民權 團體,由華裔土生組成。會員資格是華裔男 性美國公民。
First incorporated in San Francisco as the “Native Sons of the Golden State (NSGS).” First Chinese American civil rights organization in the U.S. Only U.S. citizens of Chinese descent are eligible to join.

Los Angeles Lodge of the NSGS is established.

The NSGS name is changed to Chinese American Citizens Alliance (C.A.C.A.).

1921 年,總會大樓在三藩市建成。
C.A.C.A. National headquarters on Stockton Street, San Francisco, is completed.

1924-1988年,出版在美國深具影響力的中 文日報--《金山時報》。
C.A.C.A. publishes an influential Chinese daily – “Chinese Times.”

1924-1946年,美洲同源總會屢次在美國國 會作證遊說,主張廢除排華法案,爭取公平 的移民政策和法律。
C.A.C.A. testifies before U.S. Congress advocating for the repeal of the discriminatory laws against Chinese Americans, and for fair immigration policies and laws such as 1946 law.

1943年,美國國會廢除一八八二年的《排 華法案》,僅給中國每年一百零五份簽證的 象徵性移民配額,並授予中國移民入籍權。
U.S. Congress repeals the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, establishes a token immigration quota for China of 105 visas per year, and granted Chinese immigrants' naturalization rights.

1946年,同源會是中國妻子獲得移民權利 法案的主要支持者,該法准許華裔美國公民 的妻子以非配額移民的身份進入。因此,同 源會獲贈杜魯門總統簽署立法之筆。
As a major proponent of gaining immigration rights for Chinese wives, C.A.C.A. is presented with the pen used by President Harry Truman in signing legislation allowing Chinese wives of the U.S. citizens to enter as non-quota immigrants.

1952年,同源會力主《麥卡蘭和文特法 案》的通過,使美國公民的配偶和未成年子 女不在配額限內移民來美。
C.A.C.A. advocates the passage of the McCarran-Wlater Acts that provide non-quota status for spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens.

1950-1965年,同源會與全美華人福利會共 進,繼續爭取公平移民權利,並支持一九六 五年移民和國籍法,來自亞洲、非洲和中東 的移民名額大增。
C.A.C.A., working with the Chinese Welfare Council continues to promote the rights of Chinese immigrants and to support the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act that increases more immigrants from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

1977 年,同源會開放女性公民入會。 Women are admitted as members of C.A.C.A. 1982-85年,與其他亞美組織為陳果仁被冤 殺案伸張正義。
C.A.C.A. joins with other Asian American organizations in calling for justice over the Vincent Chin killing.

1996年,同源會為慶祝同源會一百周年, 採用全國藝術大賽獲獎的學生藝術作品,出 版月曆,記載華裔在美的節日和慶典。
In celebration of C.A.C.A. 100th Anniversary, a 1996 National Calendar of Festivals and Celebrations of Chinese Americans is published by L.A. Lodge using the winning student artworks of the National Art Contest.

1999 年,羅省同源會主辦《亞裔美國學生 行動中》研討會和青年領袖會議。
Los Angeles Lodge hosts an Asian American Students In Action workshop and Youth Leadership Conference.

1999-2000年,抗議法庭對李文和不公拘押 待遇。
Protests against the unfair treatment and prosecution of Taiwanese-American scientist Wen Ho Lee.

1998-2001年,羅省同源會和中華會館召集 三十多個社區團體組成《中國城鐵路調運站 聯盟》,為社區成功地爭取獲得三十二英畝 的土地作為洛杉磯州立公園。
Los Angeles C.A.C.A. and CCBA join to convene the Chinatown Yards Alliance, a coalition composed of over 30 community and environmental organizations, to fight and successfully obtain a 32-acre Cornfeld land for the Los Angeles State Park.

2001 年,同源會青年會在伍健和梅志堅的 領導下成立,鼓勵培養學生領袖,積極參與 社區服務。
Los Angeles C.A.C.A. Youth Council is established under the leadership of Los Angeles C.A.C.A. presidents Winston Wu and Chi Mui, to encourage student leaders to be active in community service.

2008 年,同源會促推國會議員邁克·本田 通過眾議院415決議案,認可表彰華裔和亞裔 美國人對美國內戰的忠誠參與。
C.A.C.A. leads the campaign for the passage of Congressman Mike Honda’s House Resolution (HR415), recognizing the loyal participation of Chinese and Asian Americans in the U.S. Civil War.

2011-2012年,同源會與其他組織帶領推動 國會通過決議案(HR683及SR201)為十九世 紀末、二十世紀初的排華法案等歧視華人法 律表達歉意。
C.A.C.A., as one of the original lead community co-sponsors campaigns successfully for passage of House Resolution (HR 683), and Senate Resolution (SR201) that formally expressed Regret for the Congressional passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.

2018 年,同源會推動美國參眾兩院通過第 二次世界大戰華裔美國人退伍軍人國會金質 獎章法案,川普總統於二○一八年十二月二 十日簽署該法案,向兩萬多名華裔美國二戰 老兵致敬。
C.A.C.A. is a lead community sponsor of the Chinese American World War II Veteran Congressional Gold Medal Act signed into law by President Donald Trump on December 20, 2018, to pay tribute to 20,000 Chinese American World War II veterans.

羅省同源會每月第一個星期六下午三時在 會址開會,五時聚餐。
C.A.C.A. holds its monthly meeting at the Lodge on the first Saturday of every month at 3 pm, and the fellowship dinner at 5 pm.

秉公堂現任 (多土生會員) 開會以英文為主 主席: 伍永昌 Wayne Ng | 副主席: 馬劉愛瓊 Daisy Ma

年份 主席
1912 劉元 Yuen Lau
1913-1914 李麟 Thing Lee
1915 周拔五 Ting Jawk Jue
1916 劉元 Yuen Lau
1917 黃顯 Henry Wong
1918 譚森 Sam Tom
1919 李麟 Thing Lee
1920 劉佛照 Chew Low
1921-1925 李秀卿 Shue Hing Lee
1926-1929 洪耀宗 Y.C. Hong
1930-1934 黃相 Thomas S. Wong
1935-1936 何炳郁 Bing Haw
1937-1940 司徒元發 Peter Soo Hoo
1941-1949 李秀卿 Shue Hing Lee
1950-1952 黃相 Thomas S. Wong
1953-1955 呂洪 Hong Lui
1956-1957 黃啟熙 Thomas A. Wong
1958 劉觀華 Henry Lowe
1959 葉盈 Nging Yip
1960 郭尚英 Henry Kwok
1961-1962 胡國棟 Wilbur Woo
1963-1964 張廷威 Fred Chung
1965-1966 劉華鑣 Billy Lew
1967-1968 譚繼曾 George Tom
1969-1970 洪世綸 Nowland Hong
1971-1972 黎國威 Irvin R. Lai
1973 張廷威 Fred Chung
1974-1975 黃國信 Herbert Wong
1976-1977 劉識 Sam Sik Low
1978-1979 黃冠庭 William K. Wong
1980-1981 譚賢曾 Baldwin Tom
1982-1983 譚玉生 William Y.S. Tom
1984-1985 關日樞 Howard Quon
1986 張子峰 Jimmie D. Jung
1987-1988 梁愛華 Edward Leon Jr.
1989-1990 李榮健 Edward W. Lee
1991-1992 符之堅 Saykin Foo
1993 郭民生 Munson A. Kwok
1994-1995 伍健 Winston K. Wu
1996-1997 曾彬邦 Robert B. Jung
1998 葉寶鋌 Stanley Yep
1999-2000 黎文郁 Collin Lai
2001-2002 陳燦培 Pedro Chan
2003-2004 梅志堅 Chi Mui
2005-2006 周士光 Jimmy Joe
2007-2008 翁暉 Philip H. Young
2009-2010 馬劉愛瓊 Daisy Ma
2011-2012 黃煜臻 James Bok Wong
2013 鄭舒蘭 Suellen Cheng
2014-2015 梅元宇 Eugene W. Moy
2016-2017 余麗娟 Annie Yee
2018-2019 伍健庭 Rick Eng
2020 伍永昌 Wayne Ng
2021 伍永昌 Wayne Ng
2022 伍永昌 Wayne Ng
