羅省朱沛國堂前身為紫陽通訊處,創立於1930年代,原址租賃舊華埠亞利未校街211 號,後遷至新華埠百老匯街1035號,為朱氏宗親供家鄉眷屬通訊郵址。
1961年五月,由先賢箕活公、箕丹公、省財公和盤石公等貸款集資購買了現址:939 1/2 N. Hill St. Los Angeles, CA 90012,以地下及土庫出租,二樓為堂所。從此,堂務跨進新里程,其宗旨為:「聯誼性,服務性,慈善性,非牟利團體,崇尚民主政治,傳揚倫理文化」。本堂經濟來源靠租項收入,宗親會費,年節賀儀香油及喜慶捐款。
The Los Angeles Gee Poy Kuo Association was founded in 1930 and frst served as the Zi Yang Communication Center, located in old Chinatown.
In May 1961, four predecessors Kei Wu, Kei Dan, Sung Toi, and Pon Shek loaned funds to purchase the current Gee Poy Kuo Association building located at: 939 N. Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. The frst floor and the basement are rented out and the second floor serves as the ofcial Gee Poy Kuo Association meeting place. The mission of the Gee Poy Kuo Association is to promote networking, community services, and charitable services, operate as a non-proft organization, advocate for democratic politics and spread ethical culture. The Association is supported through collection of rent, membership dues, and donations.
僑團史略 | 僑團史略 | 僑團史略 |
僑團史略 | 僑團史略 | 僑團史略 |
僑團史略僑團史略 | 僑團史略僑團史略 | 僑團史略僑團史略 |
僑團史略 | 僑團史略僑團史略 | 僑團史略 |
僑團史略 | 僑團史略 | 僑團史略 |
年份 | 會長 |
1945-1966 | 朱箕活 |
1967 | 朱盤石 |
1968 | 朱箕護 |
1969 | 朱以中 |
1970-1972 | 朱自強 |
1973 | 朱上進 |
1974-1975 | 朱可良 |
1976-1977 | 朱裘良 |
1978 | 朱國伸 |
1979-1980 | 朱文義 |
1981-1982 | 朱述湯 |
年份 | 會長 |
2001-2013 | 朱匡時 |
2014 | 朱澤瀾 |
2015-2017 | 朱耀庭 |
2018-2020 | 朱匡文 |
2021 | 朱匡文 |
2022 | 朱匡文 |
2023 | |
2024 | |
2025 |