
Kuo Ming Tang

960 N Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012

(213) 626-2039

中國國民黨駐羅省分部為中華民國執政 黨中國國民黨海外黨部之一,以實現三民 主義,致力於促進中華民國之民主、自由、 均富、統一,發揚歷史傳承與擁護中華民 國政府暨本黨現階段之施政方針為宗旨,並 為強化羅省地區黨務組織,凝聚同志及僑胞 向心,擴大服務,融合僑社,增進僑胞愛國 力量,共同為國家民族之整體利益而奮鬥。 此外,並支持華人參政,爭取僑胞權益和福 祉,致力提昇華人在當地形象及地位等。

The China Kuo Ming Tang branch at Los Angeles is one of the China Kuo Ming Tang oversea parties for the Republic of China’s ruling party. Its objective is to achieve, implement and realize Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s Three Principles of the People, which devotes and promotes Republic of China’s democracy, liberty, wealth and unity, and develops the continued support of the present administration policies and guidelines of the Chinese government and Kuo Ming Tang. In addition, it strengthens the Los Angeles area party affairs organization, and unites the comrades and countrymen living abroad with service expansion, harmonization of the associations, enhancement of the overseas folks patriotic strength, and striving for the nation’s ethnic group’s entity and benefit. In addition, it supports Chinese participation of politics, fights for the overseas folk’s interest, benefits, and welfare, and devotes effort to elevate the local image and status for the Chinese.

Los Angeles Tongmenghui (Sun Yat Sen’s Alliance for Democracy Party)

羅省分部之成立與國父孫中山先生推翻滿 清政府之革命事業有密不可分之淵源,孫中 山先生於1909年在紐約、芝加哥成立同盟分 會後,1910年農曆正月初一(新曆2月10日) 由芝加哥抵三藩市,十八日(新曆2月27日) 成立舊金山同盟會,入會者要立誓約加盟, 當時加盟者,祇寥寥十餘人。

The establishment of the Los Angeles branch and founding father Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s overthrow of the Manchurian Qing government revolution the project has an undisclosed origin and relationship. In 1909, Dr. Sun Yat Sen formed the Tongmenghui in New York and Chicago. In 1910 lunar new year (Gregorian calendar 2/10), Dr. Sun Yat Sen went from Chicago to San Francisco. The San Francisco Tongmenghui was formed on lunar year 1/18 (Gregorian calendar 2/27). One must vow and pledge in order to become a member of a Tongmenghui. At the time, member participation was very low.

農曆二月初,孫先生蒞臨洛杉磯,此時已 有大多華僑擁護其主張,遂在阿柏布拉街之 「太陽」大廈二樓設宴歡迎,赴會者六百餘 人,孫先生演講,力陳革命之重要性,闡述 三民主義,甚為透闢,聽者動容,洛杉磯華 僑之革命聲勢,由是更為激增。

In the same lunar year in February, Dr. Sun Yat Sen arrived in Los Angeles. At that time, there were already many overseas Chinese endorsing and supporting his viewpoint. A welcome banquet was held at the 2nd floor of the “Sun building” in Alhambra Street with over 600 attendees. Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s speech stressed the importance of the revolution and elaborated the Three Principles of the People. The message was very decisive with the audience emotionally moved. This rapidly furthers the momentum of the Los Angeles overseas Chinese revolution.

孫先生此行,寄寓長堤荷馬李之公寓,係 與波司( Charles Boos)密商籌款,作大規 模起義計劃。農曆二月十二日(新曆3月22 日)離三藩市赴檀香山,成立同盟會。加州 之同盟會已擴展至委林墨( Winnemucca)、 漢佛、洛杉磯、沙加緬度、葛崙、北架斐、 斐士那、埃崙頓、市作頓等埠,相繼成立分 會,此為羅省黨部之最早起源,各地分會以 舊金山同盟會為總會,定名為美洲中國同盟 會。農曆十月十日(新曆11月11日)開幕, 宣佈為中國革命黨,即美洲之中國革命黨機 關。標揭三大革命,一曰廢韃虜清朝,即種 族革命;一曰創建中華民國,即政治革命; 一曰實行三民主義,即社會革命。

During this trip, Dr. Sun Yat Sen resided at the Long Beach’s Homer Lea hotel. He discussed secretly about fundraising with Charles Boos, with a large scale uprising plan. Lunar year 2/12 (Gregorian calendar 3/22), he left San Francisco and went to Honolulu to set up the Tongmenghui. California’s Tongmenghui had already extended to Winnemucca, Humphreys, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Glenn, Bakersfield, Fresno, Ellenton, Stockton, etc. All gradually formed its own subdivision. The Los Angeles branch was the earliest origin. The San Francisco Tongmenghui served as the headquarter, named as United States (US)/China Tongmenghui. The open ceremony was on Lunar year 10/10 (Gregorian calendar 11/11). It declared as the Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang, which was also the US-based Chinese revolution party. Revealing the three (3) revolutions:- ethnic revolution to abolish and expel the Manchu, political revolution to establish the Republic of China and social revolution to implement the Three Principles of the People.

1911年農曆正月初二日(新曆1月31日) ,孫中山先生印刷及出售金幣券,並僕僕奔 走,策動籌餉,以支持革命大業。農曆六月 二十六日(新曆7月21日),設洪門籌餉局( 後更名「國民救濟局」),局中重要工作, 交由同盟會會員擔任,展開各埠籌餉。直至 農曆八月十九日(新曆10月10日),武昌革 命軍起義,農曆二十四日(新曆10月15日) ,孫先生在芝加哥以同盟會名義,召開預祝 中華民國成立大會。農曆九月十六日(新曆 11月6日),大局將定,三藩市舉行慶祝勝利 大巡遊,洛杉磯等地同盟會會員皆前往參與 盛會。

最初中華民國成立後,同盟會由秘密組織 改為公開政黨,招收黨員,洛杉磯同盟會自 此成為政黨組織。

In 1911 lunar new year 1/2 (Gregorian calendar 1/31), Dr. Sun Yet Sen traveled everywhere, urging for fundraising via printed gold certificate in order to support the revolution undertaking. Lunar year 6/26 (Gregorian calendar 7/21) established Tiandihui (Chinese Fraternal Organization) fundraising (later named as Citizen Relief Agency). The important job within this organization was handled by the Tongmenghui member who launched fundraising at every town. Lunar year 8/19 (Gregorian calendar 10/10) started the Wuchang revolutionary army uprising. On lunar year 8/24 (Gregorian calendar 10/15), Dr. Sun Yat Sen under the name of Tongmenghui, convened an early congratulation convention of the Republic of China establishment in Chicago. Lunar year 9/16 (Gregorian calendar 11/6), with the present situation being set, San Francisco held a victorious parade celebration. Los Angeles Tongmenghui members also attended this distinguished meeting. At first when the Republic of China was established, the Tongmenghui party changed from a secret organization to a public the political party with new members to be recruited. Therefore, Los Angeles Tongmenghui party became the political party organization.

Adhere to “Kuo Ming Tang” name

1912年8月,美洲中國同盟會承北京彰儀門大街中國同盟會本部之命,改組為國民黨, 定名為三藩市中國國民黨美洲總支部( The Chinese Nationalist League of America),翌 年1月12日開幕,而洛杉磯同盟會亦更名為羅 省分部。同年5月,美洲總支部創刊美洲國民 黨佈告錄,每月一期,內容有黨義闡釋、黨 務報告、各分部職員表、各分部通告、民國 維持會各地分會捐款等欄。

In August 1912, US/China Tongmenghui received instructions from Beijing’s Tongmenghui headquarter, that Tongmenghui was to be re-organized as Kuo Ming Tang, and renamed as The Chinese Nationalist League of America at the San Francisco branch. The opening ceremony was held in the following year on 1/12. Los Angeles Tongmenghui was renamed as well as The Chinese Nationalist League of America at the Los Angeles branch. In May of the same year, the US headquarters branch started publishing the US Kuo Ming Tang monthly bulletin. The content included party affairs, report, branch organization chart/announcement, fundraising works, etc.

自民國二年討伐袁世凱失敗,11月4日, 袁世凱解散國民黨。1914年7月8日,孫中山 先生在東京成立中華革命黨。9月1日,通告 海內外所有之國民黨,一律改組為中華革命 黨,但美洲總支部向東京本部力爭,得保留 國民黨名稱。是時,七十餘埠皆設有分部或 通訊處,而每個分部,皆設有閱書報社,國 民黨由是逐漸興盛。

Since the defeat from the Yuan Shikai (senior general of late Qing warlord) crusade, Kuo Ming Tang was dissolved in 11/4. In 7/8/1914, Dr. Sun Yat Sen formed the Chinese revolutionary party in Tokyo. In 9/1, he notified the domestic and overseas Kuo Ming Tang to be reorganized to the Chinese revolutionary party. But the US headquarters branch fought with the Tokyo headquarter, thus able to retain the name of Kuo Ming Tang. At that time, over seventy towns incorporated branches or contact addresses. Also, every branch provided reading material in the form of books and newspapers. Thus Kuo Ming Tang flourished gradually.

1919年10月10日,東京本部改組「中華革 命黨」為「中國國民黨」,三藩市之「中國 國民黨美洲總支部」亦改為「中國國民黨駐 美總支部」,並向美國政府登記立案,成為 合法社團組織,而駐美總支部之名稱亦沿用 至今。

In 10/10/1919, Tokyo headquarter reorganized the Chinese Revolutionary Party to Chinese Kuo Ming Tang. San Francisco’s “Chinese Kuo Ming Tang US headquarter branch” was changed to “Chinese Kuo Ming Tang headquarter branch US based”. Registration was fled at the US government and became a legal party organization. Also this name of “Chinese Kuo Ming Tang headquarter the branch at the US-based” still continued to be used today.

當時,駐美總支部分為東西兩部,美西分 部包括洛杉磯等地區,共有二十五處,美東 分部則有紐約等地共十八處,東、西兩部後 來演變為駐美西支部及美東支部,爾後又增 加美南支部;自此中國國民黨在美國傳統僑 社之黨部即正式形成總支部、支部及分部之 三級組織架構。羅省分部的正式名稱為「中 國國民黨駐美國總支部美西支部羅省分部」 。

At that time, the headquarter branch stationed in the US was divided into the east and west side. West the side included the Los Angeles area, a total of 25 locations. Eastside included New York area, a total of 18 locations. East and west sides later evolved into east branch US-based and west branch US-based. Later added south branch US-based. As a result, Chinese Kuo Ming Tang within the US traditional the party formally took the shape of three organization frameworks:- headquarter branch, branch and subsection. Los Angeles subsection was formally named as “Chinese Kuo Ming Tang US-based Los Angeles west branch”.


羅省分部主要成員為來自中國大陸之旅美 華僑,近二十年來自中南半島之越柬寮僑胞及近年陸續移居之港澳僑胞等。常務委員曾 由黃益平及謝卓傑等二位同志擔任。分部委 員九人,候補委員三人。
1989年,黃振華同志接任常務委員,積極 整理黨籍,發展組織,爭取失聯黨員歸隊, 使分部黨員人數迅速增加。
1995年,本黨海外各級黨部委員會組織準 則修正後,分部及依新規定改選,置委員九 人,候補委員二人,常務委員仍由黃振華同 志擔任。

In 1995, after the Kuo Ming Tang overseas party committee organization standard was revised, subsection re-election was to follow the new regulation accordingly with nine (9) committee members and two (2) alternates. The steering committee was still led by comrade Zhen Hua Huang.

1999年,分部委員會改選,章志綸同志當 選為常務委員,並於2000年元月宣誓就職, 後章常委因病堅辭,由余艷濃同志代理常 委。

In the 1999 subsection committee re-election, comrade Zhi Lun Zhang was elected as the steering committee member. He sworn in the ofce during the frst month of year 2000 but later resigned due to illness and replaced by comrade Yan Nong Yu.

2002年,分部委員會改選,由趙尚賢同志 接任常委,並依規定報奉中央任命許以豐委 員兼任分部書記,處理分部日常事務,及來 往公文書,加強與駐美總之部及駐美西支部 聯繫。2003年至2006年的四度改選,皆由趙 尚賢連任常委。

In the 2002 subsection steering committee reelection, comrade Joe Chou was elected as the steering committee member. Furthermore, according to the regulations, he must report to the Central Authority appointee Yi Feng Xu, the steering committee member/subsection secretary. Other tasks included the handling of subsection daily affairs and incoming/outgoing documents, and strengthening the contact with US-based headquarters and US-based West branch. Joe Chou was elected for our (4) terms from the year 2003 till 2006.

2007年元月,分部委員會改選,選出譚汝 熙、許以豐、張自豪、馮志治、繆寬忠、劉 國豪、伍偉亨、黃漢傑、張愛蓮九位委員, 馬國威、黃鍾艷珍為候補委員,並選舉譚汝 熙同志為常務委員。

In the first month of 2007 subsection committee re-election, Ru Xi Tan, Yi Feng Xu, Zi Hao Zhang, Zhi Zhi Feng, Kuan Zhong Miao, Guo Hao Liu, Wei Heng Wu, Han Jie Huang, Ai Lian Zhang were elected as the nine (9) committee members, and Guo Wei Ma, Jeannie Wong as the alternates. Comrade Ru Xi Tan was elected as the member of standing Committee.

同時,依據中央新定「海外黨部組織要 點」第六條「海外分部委員會由當原大會選 舉產生之委員,任期三年之規定,海外分部 自2007年1月1日起產生之委員任期為三年, 分部於2007年2月16日遵照駐美總之部之指 示,填報分部委員會任期調查表,確定分部 自2007年選舉之委員任期為三年,同時依規 定報奉中央任命許以豐委員兼任書記。

At the same time, in accordance with the 6th article of the Central Authority new order “Overseas party organization main point”, it stated that “Overseas subsection committee members elected at the convention could serve a maximum of three (3) years”. The overseas subsection had been adhering to this order since 1/1/2007. In 2/16/2007, US based headquarter sent instruction to subsection committee confirming this new office term order. In accordance with regulations, this also needed to report to Yi Feng Xu, the Central Authority appointed steering committee member /subsection secretary.

分部成立以來,數遷黨所地址,前曾租賃新華埠重慶路972號2分之1,即台山寧陽會館 樓上為黨所,自1990年,租賃羅省中華會館 二樓為黨所。並予裝修擴充,充實黨所之設 備及器材,加強服務,使黨部成為黨員之精 神給合及文化提供之服務站。

Since the establishment of the subsection, it had relocated a number of times. Earlier had leased the office in the new Chinatown 972-1/2 Chong Qing Road, which was upstairs of Tai Shan Ning Yang Hall. Then in 1990, leased the office at the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA) 2 nd floor, reinforcing and strengthening service with renovation/expansion and added equipment. This facility became the cultural service center and provided inspiration to the party members.

2002年12月起與駐美西支部合租中華會館 二樓202室為會址,至2004年12月31日因無固 定收入而停租。後經譚汝熙常委仗義提供金 龍酒家為通訊聯絡地址至今。

Since 12/2002, unit 202 of the CCBA 2 nd floor was used as the contact address. Until 12/31/2004, the lease was terminated due to irregular income. Later Ru Xi Tan generously provided Golden Dragon Restaurant as the contact address till today.

Key Tasks

一、主動聯繫失聯黨員歸隊,羅省地區失 聯黨員甚多,而以來自中南半島及港澳地區 僑胞為數較多。分部透過委員會各委員及熱 心同志多方爭取失聯黨員歸隊。

1. Be active to strive for recruiting those lost contact members, especially in Los Angeles area as well as those in Indochina, Hong Kong and Macau.

二、吸收優秀人士加入本黨,凡願為本黨 理想堅強奮鬥,有刻苦耐勞之生活習慣,能 深入僑社服務群眾及工作努力能起模範作用 者,皆為分部積極爭取加入本黨之人士。

2. Proactively recruit outstanding folks into the party. Anyone willing to fght for the party’s stron principle, bearing hardships, and serving the community, are good role models.

三、協助中華會館舉辦各項慶典活動及紀 念會,如自由日紀念、青年節餐舞會、國父 孫中山先生誕辰及逝世紀念會、先總統蔣公 誕辰及逝世紀念會暨慶祝雙十國慶各項活動 等。此外,分部每年均舉辦慶祝元旦及開國 紀念、青年節大會、春節聯歡餐會、慶祝雙 十國慶茶會、慶祝中國國民黨黨慶大會暨郊 遊活動等,均邀請各僑團首長及黨員同志參 加,聯繫情誼。

3. Aid CCBA annual celebration and commemorate activities, such as Freedom Day, Outstanding Youth dinner/dance banquet, founding father Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s birth/death anniversary, past President Chiang Kai Shek’s birth/death anniversary, and a double ten celebrations, etc. Also, subsection holds similar events annually, such as New Year celebration, China national day, Outstanding Youth activity, Spring Festival banquet, Double Ten tea party, Kuo Ming Tang party celebration, and picnic, etc. All party members are invited.

四、參與國民外交及支持華人參政,鼓 勵黨員同志積極參與配合推動中美國民外交 及華人參政等各項工作,爭取華人權益及福 利,對提昇華人之政治及社會地位頗有助 益。

4. Participate in citizen diplomacy and foreign affairs, and support Chinese participation in politics. Encourage party members and comrades to coordinate and promote US-China diplomacy and participation in various tasks. Strive for the rights and benefits to elevate Chinese political and social status.

五、分部除定期舉行委員會選舉外,並遵 照黨中央及駐美總支部指示舉辦各項選舉。

5. Subsection conduct various election regularly in accordance with the Central Authority and US-based headquarter instructions.

國民黨駐羅省分部 常委: 馬國威
